Thursday, September 20, 2007
More Apple Sauce!
Ugh! I think I almost have it coming out my ears! Yesterday we did apple sauce with some of our homeschool friends from the Harrisburg area. We did 2 1/2 bushels of apples. It was a long day. It took us from 1:30 to about 4:30 to get the apples cooked, cut, and mashed, and jarred. The canning took a little longer. It was a fun day though. Afterwards I went to the Gratz fair to help at a stand for the Northern Dauphin Revitalization Program. I worked with Alan Dakey and Bob Klinger. I thought it was rather interesting how when I gave them a hand shake when I walked up, they gave "wet fish" hand shakes. They weren't very strong and so I felt bad because I felt like I almost crushed their hands. So, then when I left, I got firm handshakes. I was rather amused.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Apple Sauce
Wow, I am so impressed. We did a bushel and a half of apples for apple sauce. It only took us about 2 hours. We did it on our patio out back. Some of our homeschool friends are coming on Monday and we're going to do two and a half bushels of apples. Another bushel for us, and a bushel and a half for them. I hope it doesn't rain. If it does we'll be doing it on the front porch. It's nice that it counts for school. When we slice the apples we cut them into eightths or sixteenths. We can count the number of apples we use. There's the math! Home Ec for making the apple sauce, cooking the apples, slicing apples, washing them, grinding them. It's all there. Hooray for homeschooling!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy Birthday Millersburg!
Hooray! Millersburg is 200 years old this year! To celebrate there was a huge 3 hour long parade, a pagent, a fireman's parade, a carnival, a bench auction, and a grand finale of fireworks. It was a full weekend. It was wonderful though. We had several big names come in for the parade including the Budweiser Clydes. My sister and I walked with Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center throwing out candy and handing out pens. I saw many people I know; some I had forgotten about. Pretty sad isn't it. On Saturday after the parade my mother lead the Time Capsule ceremony. The Time Capsule is going to be buried in an unmarked spot behind the gazebo on the square. They are putting many things in it. It's amazing to hear some of the history of the things that happened in the history of Millersburg. Millersburg was just over 50 years old when Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address. It makes everything seem a whole lot sooner than it seems. I always had the feeling of the Civil War being forever and a day ago, but really it's a whole lot more recent than I realized. The pagent was absolutely beautiful. It went through the whole history of Millersburg including when Daniel Miller first came to the town. He really liked the area and convinced people to settle down with him and his family. He was a minister and school teacher. So he proveded for those needs in the community. Then they gave flashbacks to Nelson's Ice Cream Parlor. Betsy was in that scene. Then the lead charactor played "Johnny Be Good" on his guitar with his band. They did an excelent job. Then they did some modern day scenes. After that, a flashback to the flood of '72. They had an intermission and then the choir got on stage and sang patriotic songs. They had a giant flag to bring out during a couple songs. Betsy, Ben, Mom, Dad, and I helped to bring it out. I got to see, and work with some people I know. It was so much fun. It gave a good workout though because I got to crouch down on one knee for 5 minutes to wave the flag and not be in anyone's line of vision. It was fun though. On Sunday night we did the final performance and that's when everything worked perfectly. The fireworks went off and the explosions worked too. Actually there was one that shook the ground because it was supposed to be like a bomb exploding. Well, it set off a car alarm. It was so funny! During a very solumn part where we were supposed to be reverent, and "Honk, honk, honk, honk..." It was hilarious. They owner came over and shut it off then, but we couldn't help but chuckle at least a little bit. They had a tribute to 9/11/01 and to close we had fireworks. It was really nice. Ben, Dad, and I stayed and helped tear down the sound equipment and wrap up. We got to talking with the guys and learned that they were going to be in the area again on Saturday for the SonicFlood concert along with The Silver Ring Thing. The concert turned out really well. Dad, Ben, and I went and I got to hang out with my co-workers from the Gratz market. The band is from Australia. They talk like them too. One had a better accent than the other, but they were Aussies for sure. All in all, I had alot of fun. We did have rain before hand and so the Silver Ring Thing got rained out, but they still had the concert.
I have some sad news too. Well, sad for my brother. Steve and Ethan Jr. have gone to a watery grave. They took a trip down the Porcelin Express and are Resting In Peace. The poor fish. So we are down to 4 fish; Blanche, George, Tiny, and Samuel Yoder.
Well, I had better go. I plan on going to the barn and riding my newly aquired horse, Chaver. We'll see how it goes today. I need to get him a stronger bit because his mouth is hard as a rock. It's gonna be good though.
I have some sad news too. Well, sad for my brother. Steve and Ethan Jr. have gone to a watery grave. They took a trip down the Porcelin Express and are Resting In Peace. The poor fish. So we are down to 4 fish; Blanche, George, Tiny, and Samuel Yoder.
Well, I had better go. I plan on going to the barn and riding my newly aquired horse, Chaver. We'll see how it goes today. I need to get him a stronger bit because his mouth is hard as a rock. It's gonna be good though.
Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tonight was a celebration of Ethan's birthday (Sept. 5) and Grandma Yoder's birthday (Sept. 6). We had a combined cake...something we have not done celebrate the both of them. Mom turned 73 today and Ethan turned 11 yesterday. We sat outside on our patio, and we enjoyed the cool breezes after a very warm day. This morning we went out for breakfast to celebrate mom's birthday. It was a friend, Ann, and my sisters Maggie and Judith plus me. The kids stayed home and did their schoolwork...mean mom that I am! We didn't think mom would see this birthday so we made sure to celebrate it. My dad called me from work today and had me pick up 6 red roses for mom...made tears come to my eyes to think about how special it is to have a dad who still loves his many people don't know what it's like to have parents that still love each other after 50+ years. We are a blessed family!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
On Sunday, Sept. 2, we had 26 members of our family, in our little house and postage-stamp yard, over for lunch. We had a good time...I think! I don't have pictures of everyone, but here are a few. We are a crazy bunch as you will see. There is no doubt that we have a good time together. With 7 great-grandchildren under the age of 6...there is bound to be a lot of noise!
The "three"! Amy, Abi, and Dawn.

Our Family Grew By... 5?!
Yes. It's true. The Shetterly family grew by 5. We now have 6 goldfish. We went to the Bicentennial celebration down along the river and we won 5 goldfish. They are Tiny, Blanche Jr., Ethan Jr., Steve, and George. Our fish Samuel Yoder doesn't quite know what to do with all the company! Tiny is about the size of a guppy and Samuel is about the size of a baseball, or maybe a softball. He is huge. We've got a David and Goliath thing going on. Ha ha. Actually, my brothers and sister were concerned that they would come down this morning and find some of the fish eaten. I knew they wouldn't because my Sammy is so gentle. He's the Jolly Orange Giant. So, that brings the number of animals/fish of this household up to 8 with 1 cat, 1 horse, and 6 goldfish.
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