Yesterday I had a wonderful trail ride! I left church and then went across the road to the farm where I have my horse to get ready for a 3 hour trail ride. It was so much fun! We went down the fence line and into the hollow. Then we went up the hollow and on the road for about a quarter to half a mile until we reached the Ned Smith Center railroad bed. There used to be a rail road that ran thru it but now the tracks have been torn out and it is used for hiking, four wheeling, horse back riding, and so much more. We took the Woodside Station Road trail up .7 miles to the top of the mountian. After that we took the Berry Mountain Trail across .7 miles to the power lines. The veiw was tremenous! We ended up going half way to my house. If it wasn't for the tops of the trees, I coulda seen my house. We saw the storage units right down from us as plain as day. I was amazed. It was beautiful up there though. I haven't seen something that nice in a long time. So we ate our lunch and then headed down the mountian. We took several trails to the bottom. I must say though that I took my riding to the next level. We went down hills that were on a 75 degree angle. It was so much fun though. Chaver's feet were bothering him though. When I went to take him out he was limping, then I got on him and he was fine. I think it's because he just got reshod so one of the nails might be a little tender on his feet.
We had a bridal shower at the barn for a lady named Jamie who is getting married on the 3rd of November. She is really sweet and she was so surprised. She was told that she was going to a surprise party for Shelby. Well, she walked in the barn door and we all holler "Surprise Jamie" and she looked at Shelby and hollered "Surprise" and then Shelby said, "No, Surprise" and then she got it and got so embarrassed and was so surprised that it was worth all the 15 seconds of confusion. :D We stayed up and had a bonfire and watched a movie. I wasn't really all that tired so I was the only one to last thru the whole movie. So I finally got to sleep at 2 am. I got up ag 7:30 am to get ready for church and then come back for a trail ride. It was so much fun though. We played horse oriented games. The cake was really good. The icing was more of a cool whipped icing than a frosting or a sweet icing. It was so good.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
12 more days!!
Only 12 more days till our vacation to Williamsburg VA! I cannot wait! My life is so crazy that it has gotten to the point that I need a break from life. From school to work. It's about time for a break. We'll be seeing Jamestown, Shirly Plantation and so much more. The thing I am looking forward to the most is the Crystal Concert. There is a gentleman that plays crystal. He has a Glass Armonica, Violin, and several other instrements that he plays. They are entirely crystal though. We saw video clip online of his playing. It's beautiful. The tickets are cheap too! That's even better. I am so ready to go. We leave on the 28th and we're coming home on Betsy's birthday; the 4th. It's gonna be a wonderful week! I can hardly wait.
I've been working with my horse lately. On Sunday afternoon I went out to the barn and rode bareback. That was a little crazy on my part considering what I was doing. I was getting him to walk out the door with out a fight. Then I had him walk to the beginning of the trail without a fight. I accomplished it, but it was interesting because he will circle until he gets to where he wants to go. There was a new rule recently posted at the barn, "No troting in the indoor ring due to too many accidents." Well, Chaver got a little wound up. We kinda broke that rule for a couple seconds. I'm surprised that I didn't even have a hint of the feeling of falling off. I think that my guardian angel was working over time. I loved it though!
I've been working with my horse lately. On Sunday afternoon I went out to the barn and rode bareback. That was a little crazy on my part considering what I was doing. I was getting him to walk out the door with out a fight. Then I had him walk to the beginning of the trail without a fight. I accomplished it, but it was interesting because he will circle until he gets to where he wants to go. There was a new rule recently posted at the barn, "No troting in the indoor ring due to too many accidents." Well, Chaver got a little wound up. We kinda broke that rule for a couple seconds. I'm surprised that I didn't even have a hint of the feeling of falling off. I think that my guardian angel was working over time. I loved it though!
Monday, October 8, 2007

We had a wonderful time today photographing for about 2 hours. Our victim was Wyatt. We had so much fun! He was getting very tired of all the pictures though. He got 5 warm chocolate chip cookies in return for his services. That's the nice thing about kids his age. You don't have to give them money. Only food! :) These were taken with Carol's digital Canon. I was using a 35mm to take my pictures. They turned out so good. I have never used that camera before. It gave me exactly what I wanted though. Crystal clear too. Works for me!
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