Thursday, January 10, 2008


I am thoroughly exhausted tonight. I could go to sleep now and not wake until morning. Why? Well, I got up at 7 to be at the dentist's at 8 to get my expander for my upper jaw. This is the first step in the braces process. After that I did a full day of school until 1:15 when I went to the barn with my brothers and cousin. We worked our hind ends off there until 6. The boys were a wonderful help on the mucking and watering. Then I ended up helping with a horse who just got stomach ulsers. I have never had to beat a horse before in my entire life, but his life depended on it so, I did. That sentence probably sounds strange so let me explain. We didn't know if he was colicing or what so we called the vet and when the closest one wouldn't come out we had to call around. We figured he was colicing and we knew enough not to let him roll. So, we're walking him around in the indoor ring and he lays down and begins to roll. We couldn't stop him. I was working with two others to get this horse to stop. One was pulling his head up and the other was helping me keep him on his feet. We had to literally beat him. He had a couple layers of blankets on though so he didn't really feel it. One of the ladies almost got kicked. We had some men in later to help and the one got his knee nicked.
We were finally able to get a vet out and she told us he probably has stomach ulsers. She dosed him up on meds to make him feel good. His eyes glazed over and then he was in his happy place. So, the barn manager, Sherry, is going to go to the barn several times tonight to check on him. I'm so glad he made it. It was a very interesting evening to say it lightly.

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