Tuesday, September 4, 2007


On Sunday, Sept. 2, we had 26 members of our family, in our little house and postage-stamp yard, over for lunch. We had a good time...I think! I don't have pictures of everyone, but here are a few. We are a crazy bunch as you will see. There is no doubt that we have a good time together. With 7 great-grandchildren under the age of 6...there is bound to be a lot of noise!

The "three"! Amy, Abi, and Dawn.
Josh (the boyfriend we met) & Amy

Maggie, Jo, Judith, Me, with our parents. Yes, we are in birth order...we don't seem to be able to do a picture any other way. :)

Silly kids...Jonathan & Dawn goofing off. Dawn loves to wear hats. Can you believe she is a sophomore in college?! Love you, Dawn!

Far left is Jonathan holding his first cousin once removed, Caitlyn. Right is my sister with her grandson, Gideon, and great-neice, Caitlyn.

Jennifer is being cute.

Levi enjoying his dinner.

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