Thursday, March 22, 2007


How do I know spring has arrived? Well, the snow is gone, the robins have returned, the smell of earthiness is in the air, the birds sing gloriously in the morning...and baseball season has begun! Thankfully, the boys belong to the same team this year so our running will be at a minimum. Ben is enjoying his last year in Little League. He's growing up! Ethan really hopes to play pro-baseball one day. We'll see! If that is what he is to do with his life, then so be it. I guess there are worse occupations, right?! I'm thankful for two healthy boys who can run and play with friends. I am very blessed!


Michelle said...

Steven starts baseball soon! He has his evaluation for catching, etc. this Saturday and then the fun begins! He is really excited.

Carrie said...

Snow is gone??? sigh...